Carli Dravitz Meet the Team Header

Meet the Team: Carli

June 8, 2023

Meet Carli- She joins EPIC Companies as an Office Coordinator. We are excited to have Carli as a part of our internal team!

What was your very first job? When I was 8 I had a monthly advice column called “Carli’s Corner” in my family newsletter where I gave questionable advice to my aunts and uncles.

Where is your favorite place you have traveled to? My husband and I travelled to Barcelona in 2014. It was my first time being out of the country and we had an incredible time. It is beautiful there and the food was amazing. Since that trip, we have visited 10 different countries together.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Usually at home with my family. My 5-year-old girl and I like to play boardgames, watch movies, and play in the yard.

What 3 words would your friends use to describe you? Spontaneous, sarcastic, kind

What do you wish the work fridge was always stocked with? Starbucks Iced Coffee

What are 3 things still left on your bucket list? Solo camping trip, seeing the pyramids, and finding a dinosaur bone

What do you look forward to in the next year at EPIC? Making friends and feeling a sense of accomplishment in my work.

What is your most hated household chore? Cooking

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