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Meet the Team- Paul

November 3, 2023

Meet Paul- He joins EPIC Companies as a Pilot. We’re very happy to have Paul as a valued member of the team!

What do you love most about EPIC so far? I like EPICs enthusiastic growth and forward thinking.

What was your very first job? My first job was mowing the lawn and picking field rocks for a neighbor. My previous job was Pilot on Three jet planes for Combined Aircraft Ownership in Fargo for 9 years.

Where is your favorite place you have traveled to? Alaska is one of my favorite places that I have traveled to.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Sheila and I like to attend shows and plays and hang out. I have two Dogs, Sasha and Willie that like to hang out with us every chance they get. I like to Farm, ride Bicycle, Motorcycle, Snowmobile and fly and maintain general aviation aircraft. In spare time, I have volunteered for non-emergency medical needs for people that can’t drive the trip, flights to MSP, Mayo in RST and MD Anderson In Houston Tx. About 20 percent of my flying time.

What 3 words would your friends use to describe you? My friends would say I’m positive thinking, enthusiastic and Happy.

What do you wish the work fridge was always stocked with? Healthy snacks.

What are 3 things still left on your bucket list? Ride my adventure cycle from Alaska to Argentina on the pan American highway, sail a boat to the Bahamas, Marsh Harbor, and Andros Island, and take a Motorhome trip with Sheila and our dogs to the West Coast and back.

What do you look forward to in the next year at EPIC? Learning what I can do to make your job easier and more efficient by doing my job.

What trend do you hope makes a comeback? Bell bottom pants.

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