Hunter Christianson Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Hunter Christianson

June 16, 2023

Meet Hunter- He joins EPIC Companies as a Design Intern. We are excited to see and help Hunter grow as part of our design team!

What do you love most about EPIC so far? The overall culture here. There is a great sense of humor across the board and the positive nature of the teammates is awesome.

What was your very first job? I worked as a landscaper for my neighborhood association

Where is your favorite place you have traveled to? I would have to say either Estonia or Norway were the top countries I have visited. Norway was full of beautiful scenery, and Estonia was full of history.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Probably reading a good book at one of the numerous coffeeshops around Fargo.

What 3 words would your friends use to describe you? Adventurous, Enthusiastic, and Personable

What do you wish the work fridge was always stocked with? Kombucha

What are 3 things still left on your bucket list? Visit the Great Pyramids of Egypt, explore Antarctica, and see the great migration in Africa.

What do you look forward to in the next year at EPIC? I look forward to seeing all the ways creative concepts manifest themselves into the built environment.

What trend do you hope makes a comeback? Probably fidget spinners. 

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